The GaDangme Europe is an umbrella organization of GaDangme associations Or Unions in Europe. Its membership is open to all GaDangme Associations in European and individuals subjected to a set of conditions. Each member association is represented by two delegates in accordance to our constitution, also form the representative Council.

The formation of the GD EU was the dream of the GaDangme Association of Stockholm, Sweden that has materialized by the equally enthusiastic associations and individuals in Europe. The First GaDangme Europe Conference was held in Amsterdam on the 8th march 2008 after three intensive brainstorming meetings in London and in Hamburg. At the conference, member groups agreed to pursue the unified purposes under the umbrella of a GaDangme Europe on the terms proposed in the constitution.

Member Associations are the Dangme Association of France; Bokemi Foundation; Nyemimei Akpei of Amsterdam; GaDangme Foundation of Netherlands; GaDangme Nikasemo Kpee of the UK; Bishop T Ga Club, United Kingdom; GaDangme Association of Hamburg, Germany; GaDangme Association, Berlin; GaDangme Association of Belgium; Dangme Association of Hamburg, Germany; GaDangme Association of Copenhagen, Denmark; GaDangme Association of Stockholm, Sweden and the GaDangme Association of Switzerland.

At the conference an interim Executive was nominated to carry on with the work which the facilitators begun.

Our official address is;

E-post address:

The GaDangme Europe will hold its second conference on the 4th of October, 2008 at which an Executive Committee will be elected.
The GaDangme Europe has secured forum at where delegates, executives and other individual GaDangmebii can hold discussions and meetings on policy and programs.

The main aim and objectives of GaDangme Europe is dedicated to strengthening the unity of the GaDangme people in the Diasporas by identify and pursue common goals, creating small strategic groupings across Europe and to work in concert to bring together resources to support and develop our aspirations to promote and preserve GaDangme heritage.

We are non-political, but will encourage GaDangmebii to be part of the political process in our motherland, Ghana.

If you need more information on the GaDangme Europe please don’t hesitate to contact us.